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media in one place

Bus stop shelter 1.8x1.2, Novaya Bashilovka ul., d.10, Moscow

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    Side А #334908

    SepSeptember 2024OctOctober 2024NovNovember 2024DecDecember 2024JanJanuary 2025
    • GRP: 0.45
    • OTS: 45.43
    • Lighting: Available
    • Prismatron: No
    • Side type: Static

    Side Б #334909

    SepSeptember 2024OctOctober 2024NovNovember 2024DecDecember 2024JanJanuary 2025
    • GRP: 0.06
    • OTS: 6.08
    • Lighting: Available
    • Prismatron: No
    • Side type: Static