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Advertising in Moscow
Major streets and highways of Moscow
Altufievskoe shosse
Altufievskoe shosse: catalog of outdoor advertising structures
Indoor formats, Altufievskoe shosse
Business center "Beta Tsentr", Altufievskoe sh., d.1
Business center "Biznes Depo", Novgorodskaya ul., d.1
Business center "Biznes Depo2", Ilimskaya ul., d.5, korp.2
Business center "Itkol-Vladykino", Gostinichnaya ul., d.5
Business center "V Otradnom", Altufievskoe sh., d.27
Condominium "Cherepovetskaya ul. d.11/20", Cherepovetskaya ul. d.11/20
Gas station "Lukoyl", Altufievskoe sh., vl.52A
Gas station "Rosneft", Altufievskoe sh., vl.19
Gas station "Rosneft", Prishvina ul., vl.6a
Mall "Vesna", Altufievskoe sh., 1 000m, l.3, str.1
Pickup point "SDEK", Komdiva Orlova ul., d.4
Pickup point "SDEK", Prishvina ul., d.3G
Post office "Pochta Rossii", Altufievskoe sh., d.97
Post office "Pochta Rossii", Leskova ul., d.8
Subway station "Altufievo"
Subway station "Vladykino"
Subway station "Vladykino" (324657)
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Altufievskoe sh., d.26G
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Altufievskoe sh., d.84
Сommunication salon "Tele2", Altufievskoe ul., d.1-y km
Сommunication salon "Tele2", Altufievskoe ul., d.88
Billboards, Altufievskoe shosse
Altufievskoe sh. H Stantsionnaya ul.
Altufievskoe sh., 6 470m H Hachaturyana ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.12
Altufievskoe sh., d.13, korp.2 H Hachaturyana ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.14 H Hachaturyana ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.24
Altufievskoe sh., d.24, korp.1
Altufievskoe sh., d.27
Altufievskoe sh., d.31, korp.1
Altufievskoe sh., d.32
Altufievskoe sh., d.33s1
Altufievskoe sh., d.37, str.1
Altufievskoe sh., d.44
Altufievskoe sh., d.62
Altufievskoe sh., d.7
Altufievskoe sh., d.70, korp.1 H Kostromskaya ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.70, korp.1 H Kostromskaya ul. (276755)
Altufievskoe sh., d.70, korp.2
Altufievskoe sh., d.74 H Prishvina ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.75b H Inzhenernaya ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.79, korp.1
Altufievskoe sh., d.8
Altufievskoe sh., d.81 H Ilimskaya ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.83
Altufievskoe sh., d.86, korp.1 H Leskova ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.87
Altufievskoe sh., d.93-91 H Cherepovetskaya ul.
Altufievskoe sh., d.95
Altufievskoe sh., d.97 H Vologodskiy pr-zd.
Botanicheskaya ul. H Altufievskoe sh.
Botanicheskaya ul., d.39
Bus stops, Altufievskoe shosse
Altufievskoe sh., d.12, poz.1
Altufievskoe sh., d.27
Altufievskoe sh., d.41, poz.1
Altufievskoe sh., d.42
Altufievskoe sh., d.70
Altufievskoe sh., d.72
Altufievskoe sh., d.75b
Altufievskoe sh., d.83
Altufievskoe sh., d.88
Altufievskoe sh., d.95
Altufievskoe sh., d.97, ost. "6-y mkr. Bibireva"
Altufievskoe sh., ost. "metro "Altufievo", poz.6
Botanicheskaya ul., d.14, ost. k/t Riga
Botanicheskaya ul., d.33
Botanicheskaya ul., ost. "Glavnyy vhod Botanicheskogo sada"
Botanicheskaya ul., ost. Kinoteatr Riga
Hachaturyana ul., d.2
Ilimskaya ul., d.10
Komdiva Orlova ul., ost. "Glavnyy vhod Botanicheskogo sada", poz.2
Kostromskaya ul., d.2/66
MKAD, 84 000m, 300m do s'ezda na Altufievskoe sh. v tsentr, ost. "Altufievskoe shosse"
Prishvina ul., d.2a, ost. Altufievskoe sh.
Prishvina ul., d.2a, ost. «Ilimskaya ul.»
Prishvina ul., d.3
Putevoy pr-zd., d.10
Putevoy pr-zd., d.12
Signalnyy pr-zd, d.6a
Signalnyy pr-zd., d.6a, poz.1
Signalnyy pr-zd., d.9g, poz.1
Susokolovskoe sh., d.10g
Supersites, Altufievskoe shosse
Altufievskoe sh., d.53, str.11
MKAD, 84 020m
MKAD, 84 250m
MKAD, 85 000m
City light posters, Altufievskoe shosse
Botanicheskaya ul., d.35, stend 2
Botanicheskaya ul., d.35, stend 3
Cherepovetskaya ul., d.18, stend 1
Cherepovetskaya ul., d.18, stend 2
Cherepovetskaya ul., d.20, poz.1, stend 1
Cherepovetskaya ul., d.20, poz.1, stend 3
Kostromskaya ul., d.3 ost."Roddom"d. 3 ost."Roddom", stend 2
Kostromskaya ul., d.3 ost."Roddom"d. 3 ost."Roddom", stend 3
Vladykino platforma 1
Vladykino platforma 2
Digital formats, Altufievskoe shosse
Altufievskoe sh., d.6
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