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South-Eastern Administrative Okrug
Marino: catalog of outdoor advertising structures
Batayskiy proezd
Belorechenskaya ulitsa
Bratislavskaya ulitsa
Verhnie Polya, ulitsa
Grafitnyy proezd
Donetskaya ulitsa
Dyusseldorfskiy park
Ilovayskaya ulitsa
Lugovoy proezd
Lyublinskaya ulitsa
Marshala Golovanova, ulitsa
Marinskiy bulvar
Marinskiy Park, ulitsa
Myachkovskiy bulvar
Nizhnie Polya, ulitsa
Novomarinskaya ulitsa
Novocherkasskiy bulvar
Pererva, ulitsa
Perervinskiy bulvar
Podolskaya ulitsa
Porechnaya ulitsa
Indoor formats, Marino
Business center "Delovoy tsentr Marino", Lyublinskaya ul., d.151
Condominium "", Batayskiy pr-zd, d.49
Condominium "", Perervinskiy b-r, d.9
Condominium "Almaz", Bratislavskaya ul., d.33
Gas station "Lukoyl", Verhnie polya ul., d.24, kor.3
Gas station "Rosneft", Lyublinskaya ul., d.92
Mall "L-153", Lyublinskaya ul., d.153
Post office "Pochta Rossii", Pererva ul., d.24, str.2
Subway station "Bratislavskaya"
Subway station "Marino"
Supermarket "Azbuka Vkusa", Lyublinskaya ul., d.96
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Bratislavskaya ul., d.16, korp.2
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Golovanova Marshala ul., d.19
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Lyublinskaya ul., d.157
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Myachkovskiy b-r., d.13
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Novocherkasskiy b-r., d.41, korp.1
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Novomarinskaya ul., d.20
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Pererva ul., d.8, str.1
Сommunication salon "Tele2", Lyublinskaya ul., d.169
Billboards, Marino
Belorechenskaya ul. H Marinskiy park ul.
Belorechenskaya ul., d.34, korp.1
Lyublinskaya ul., d.118 H Novocherkasskiy b-r., poz.1
Lyublinskaya ul., d.118 H Novocherkasskiy b-r., poz.2
Lyublinskaya ul., d.122
Lyublinskaya ul., d.151
Lyublinskaya ul., d.151 (51390)
Lyublinskaya ul., d.157
Lyublinskaya ul., d.157 H Pererva ul.
Lyublinskaya ul., d.161 H Pererva ul.
Lyublinskaya ul., d.171, korp.1
Lyublinskaya ul., d.179
Lyublinskaya ul., d.90 H Nizhnie Polya ul.
Lyublinskaya ul., d.94
Lyublinskaya ul., d.96
Lyublinskaya ul., d.96 str.1
Novocherkasskiy b-r., d.41
Pererva ul. H Myachkovskiy b-r.
Pererva ul., d.58
Bus stops, Marino
Batayskiy pr-t., ost.Batayskiy pr-t., 51
Belorechenskaya ul., d.22, ost. Belorechenskaya ul., 24, poz.2
Belorechenskaya ul., d.37, korp.1
Belorechenskaya ul., d.41, korp.1
Belorechenskaya ul., ost.Marinskiy Park ul., poz.1
Bratislavskaya ul., d.15, korp.1
Bratislavskaya ul., d.29, korp.1
Bratislavskaya ul., d.34, korp.1
Donetskaya ul. H Pererva ul., ost. "Marinskiy rynok"
Donetskaya ul., d.10, korp.1
Donetskaya ul., d.19 H Donetskaya ul., 26
Donetskaya ul., d.26
Golovanova Marshala ul., d.1 n-v, ost. "Golovanova Marshala ulitsa"
Golovanova Marshala ul., d.14
Golovanova Marshala ul., d.7
Ilovayskaya ul., d.12, str.1, naprotiv
Kuryanovskaya nab., ost. "Kuryanovskaya nab.", poz.1
Kuryanovskaya nab., ost. "Kuryanovskaya nab.", poz.2
Lyublinskaya ul., d.108
Lyublinskaya ul., d.155, str.1
Lyublinskaya ul., d.163/1, ost. "metro Marino - Severnyy vestibyul"
Lyublinskaya ul., d.163/1, ost. "metro Marino"
Lyublinskaya ul., d.169, korp.2
Lyublinskaya ul., ost. "Metro "Marino"
Myachkovskiy b-r., d.11
Myachkovskiy b-r., d.16, korp.1
Myachkovskiy b-r., d.1a
Myachkovskiy b-r., d.2/56, ost. m. Bratislavskaya, poz.1
Myachkovskiy b-r., d.2/56, ost. m. Bratislavskaya, poz.2
Myachkovskiy b-r., d.8
Myachkovskiy b-r., d.8 (463072)
Novocherkasskiy b-r., d.10, korp.1
Novocherkasskiy b-r., d.46, poz.1
Novocherkasskiy b-r., d.57, korp.1
Novocherkasskiy b-r., ost. "Kinoteatr "Ekran", poz.1
Novocherkasskiy b-r., ost. "Kinoteatr "Ekran", poz.2
Novomarinskaya ul., d.12/12
Novomarinskaya ul., d.13
Pererva ul. H Lyublinskaya ul., ost. "Lyublinskaya ulitsa", iz tsentra
Pererva ul. H Nizhnie Polya ul., ost. "Pererva ul."
Pererva ul., d.11, str.1
Pererva ul., d.12, poz.1
Pererva ul., d.40
Pererva ul., d.54
Pererva ul., d.58
Pererva ul., d.68, ost. Belorechenskaya ul., 24
Pererva ul., d.68/35, ost. "Pererva ul., 68"
Pererva ul., vl.62, korp.1
Perervinskiy b-r., d.1
Perervinskiy b-r., d.27, korp.1
Perervinskiy b-r., ost. "9-y mikrorayon Marinskogo Parka", v tsentr
Podolskaya ul., vl.13
Porechnaya ul., d.21
Porechnaya ul., d.3, korp.1
Porechnaya ul., d.5
Verhnie Polya ul., d.38
Verhnie Polya ul., ost. 43-y kv. Marinskogo Parka, poz.1
Verhnie Polya ul., ost. Inspektsiya truda
Verhnie Polya ul., ost. Krasnodonskaya ul., poz.2
Verhnie Polya ul., ost. Tsimlyanskaya ul., poz.2
Verhnie polya ul., d.42, korp.1
Supersites, Marino
Lyublinskaya ul., d.118
City light posters, Marino
Batayskiy pr-d, 17, stend 2
Batayskiy pr-d, 17, stend 3
Donetskaya ul., d.9, stend 2
Donetskaya ul., d.9, stend 3
Lugovoy pr-zd., d.13, poz.2, stend 2
Lugovoy pr-zd., d.13, poz.2, stend 3
Lugovoy pr-zd., d.13, stend 1
Lugovoy pr-zd., d.13, stend 2
Lugovoy pr-zd., d.13, stend 3
Marinskiy Park ul., d.15/51, stend 1
Marinskiy Park ul., d.15/51, stend 3
Marinskiy Park ul., ost. "8-oy mkr. Marinskogo parka", stend 3
Marshala Golovanova ul., d.11, stend 2
Marshala Golovanova ul., d.11, stend 3
Myachkovskiy bul. H Porechnaya ul., stend 1
Myachkovskiy bul., d.peresechenie ul. Porechnaya, stend 1
Myachkovskiy bul., d.peresechenie ul. Porechnaya, stend 3
Nizhnie Polya ul., do peres. s ul. Pererva, stend 2
Nizhnie Polya ul., do peres. s ul. Pererva, stend 3
Novocherkasskiy bul. H Marshala Golovanova ul., napr. d.13, stend 2
Novocherkasskiy bul. H Marshala Golovanova ul., napr. d.13, stend 3
Novocherkasskiy bul., d.2 napr, stend 2
Novocherkasskiy bul., d.2 napr, stend 3
Novomarinskaya ul. H Perervinskim bul., d.poz.3, stend 3
Novomarinskaya ul. H Perervinskim bul., poz.1, stend 2
Novomarinskaya ul. H Perervinskim bul., poz.2, stend 2
Novomarinskaya ul. H Perervinskim bul., poz.3, stend 2
Novomarinskaya ul. H Perervinskim bul., poz.3, stend 2 (441085)
Novomarinskaya ul. H Perervinskim bul., poz.3, stend 3
Porechnaya ul., d.1, stend 1
Porechnaya ul., d.1, stend 3
Porechnaya ul., d.17/22, stend 2
Porechnaya ul., d.17/22, stend 3
Porechnaya ul., d.5/14., stend 2
Porechnaya ul., d.5/14., stend 2 (441152)
Porechnaya ul., d.5/14., stend 3
Verhnie Polya ul., d.32, poz.1, stend 1
Verhnie Polya ul., d.32, poz.1, stend 2
Verhnie Polya ul., d.32, poz.1, stend 3
Verhnie Polya ul., d.32, poz.2, stend 2
Verhnie Polya ul., d.32, poz.2, stend 3
Large formats, Marino
Lyublinskaya ul., d.169, korp.2, poz.1
Lyublinskaya ul., d.169, korp.2, poz.2
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