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Advertising in Moscow
Administrative divisions of Moscow
North-Western Administrative Okrug
Mitino: catalog of outdoor advertising structures
Angelov pereulok
Baryshiha, ulitsa
Volokolamskoe shosse
Volotskoy pereulok
Generala Beloborodova, ulitsa
Dubravnaya ulitsa
Zenitchikov, ulitsa
Mitinskaya ulitsa
Mitinskiy 1-y, pereulok
Mitinskiy 2-y, pereulok
Mitinskiy 3-y, proezd
Muravskaya 1-ya, ulitsa
Muravskaya 2-ya, ulitsa
Muravskaya ulitsa
Novobrattsevskiy, posyolok
Novotushinskaya ulitsa
Novotushinskiy proezd
Parkovaya ulitsa (pos. Novobrattsevskiy)
Penyaginskaya ulitsa
Penyaginskiy 1-y, proezd
Penyaginskiy 2-y, proezd
Putilkovskoe shosse
Pyatnitskoe shosse
Roslavka 1-ya, ulitsa
Roslavka 2-ya, ulitsa
Roslovka, ulitsa
Spasskiy most
Starospasskaya ulitsa
Uvarovskiy pereulok
Fabrichnaya ulitsa
Tsarikov pereulok
Tsentralnaya ulitsa (pos. Novobrattsevskiy)
Indoor formats, Mitino
Business center "Pyatnitskoe sh., d.15, korp.4", Pyatnitskoe sh., d.15, korp.4
Gas station "Lukoyl", 1-y Mitinskiy pr-zd., d.12
Gas station "Lukoyl", Volokolamskoe sh., vl.140
Gas station "Neftmagistral", Pyatnitskoe sh., vl.28
Gas station "Rosneft", Pyatnitskoe sh., vl.27
Gym "We Gym Mitino", Mitinskaya ul., d.16
Pickup point "SDEK", Mitino r-n., Dubravnaya ul., d.40
Subway station "Mitino"
Subway station "Pyatnitskoe shosse"
Subway station "Volokolamskaya"
Supermarket "Azbuka Vkusa", Pyatnitskoe sh., d.14
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Baryshiha ul., d.14, korp.1
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Generala Beloborodova ul., d.16, korp.1
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Novotushinskiy pr-d. H Tekstilnaya ul., d.10, korp.2
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Novotushinskiy pr-zd., d.8, korp.1
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Tsentralnaya ul., d.4
Сommunication salon "Tele2", Pyatnitskoe ul., d.39
Supersites, Mitino
MKAD, 67 300m
MKAD, 68 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 350m posle peresecheniya s MKAD
Pyatnitskoe sh., 400m do H s MKAD
Volokolamskoe sh., 18 000m
Billboards, Mitino
Mitino, Pyatnitskoe sh., d.39
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.17, korp.1 H 1-y Mitinskiy per.
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.18 H Putilkovskoe sh.
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.24, str.24
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.25
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.26
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.41 H Mitinskaya ul.
Pyatnitskoe sh., vl. 26
Volokolamskoe sh., 19 885m
Bus stops, Mitino
Baryshiha ul. H Dubravnaya ul., ost. "Dubravnaya ul."
Baryshiha ul., d.14, korp.1
Baryshiha ul., d.32
Baryshiha ul., d.44
Baryshiha ul., d.8
Beloborodova Generala ul., d.13
Beloborodova Generala ul., d.20, ost. Shkola
Dubravnaya ul. H Mitinskaya ul., ost. metro Mitino, poz.2
Dubravnaya ul., d.27
Dubravnaya ul., d.46
Dubravnaya ul., d.48
Dubravnaya ul., ost. "metro Mitino", poz.1
Dubravnaya ul., ost. metro "Mitino"
Mitinskaya ul., d.26
Mitinskaya ul., d.26, ost. Mitinskaya ul. 26
Mitinskaya ul., d.40, poz.1
Mitinskaya ul., d.48
Mitinskaya ul., d.52, poz.1
Mitinskaya ul., ost. "metro "Mitino"
Mitinskaya ul., ost. "metro "Mitino", poz. 2
Mitinskiy 1-y per., ost. "1-y Mitinskiy per., 12 - Obuhov Avtotsentr"
Muravskaya ul., ost. "s. Rozhdestveno"
Novobrattsevskiy pos., Putilkovskoe sh. H Parkovaya ul., ost. "pos.k "Novobrattsevskiy"
Novotushinskiy pr-zd., d.6, korp.1
Novotushinskiy pr-zd., ost. "Metro "Volokolamskaya"
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.11
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.12, korp.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.16, poz.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.16, poz.2
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.23, str.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.23, str.1 (464734)
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.45
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.6, korp.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.9
Uvarovskiy per., d.2
Volokolamskoe sh. H Starospasskaya ul., d.14, k.A
Volokolamskoe sh., d.142, str.7
Volotskoy per., d.3
Volotskoy per., d.9
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