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Advertising in Novosibirsk
Rayony Novosibirska
Pervomayskiy rayon
Pervomayskiy rayon: catalog of outdoor advertising structures
Billboards, Pervomayskiy rayon
Baryshevo – Koltsovo a/d, 765m
Baryshevo-Koltsovo a/d., 1 123m
Baryshevo-Koltsovo a/d., 965m
Berdskoe sh.
Berdskoe sh. (92775)
Berdskoe sh., 300 m. ot ost."Svetlaya"
Berdskoe sh., d.1A
Berdskoe sh., d.1a
Berdskoe sh., d.4/1, korp.1
Berdskoe sh., d.61A
Berdskoe sh., ost. "Raz'ezd Inya"
Berdskoe sh., ost. "Raz'ezd Inya", na Akademgorodok
Berdskoe sh., ost. Pervomayskaya ul.
Berdskoe sh., ost. Raz'ed Inya, povorot na ul. Pervomayskaya
Berdskoe sh., ost. Raz'ezd Inya, poz.2
Berdskoe sh., ost. Raz'ezd Inya, poz.3
Bolshevistskaya ul.
Bolshevistskaya ul. (88741)
Bolshevistskaya ul. H Dneprogesovskaya ul.
Bolshevistskaya ul. H Dneprogesovskaya ul. (92710)
Bolshevistskaya ul. H Vybornyy pr-zd.
Bolshevistskaya ul. povorot na Vybornuyu ul.
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.127
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.131
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.135
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.136
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.151
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.153
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.171
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.175/6
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.177
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.177 (88732)
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.177, korp.2
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.193
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.26
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.283
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.32
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.48, m-n Estie
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.48, ost. Melkombinat
Bolshevistskaya ul., n-v Novosibirskogo Instrumentalnogo zavoda
Bolshevistskaya ul., ost. Karier Borok
Bolshevistskaya ul., ost. reka Inya, poz.1
Bolshevistskaya ul., u TK "Lenta"
Bolshevistskaya ul., u TTS "Giperon"
Pervomayskaya ul., d.53
Pervomayskaya ul., ost. Raz'ezd Inya, poz.1
Pervomayskaya ul., ost. Raz'ezd Inya, poz.2
Vybornaya ul. H Abrazivnaya ul., d.11
Other formats, Pervomayskiy rayon
Berdskoe sh., d.14
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.52
Pervomayskaya ul., d.198
Supersites, Pervomayskiy rayon
Bolshevistskaya ul. H Berdskoe sh.
Raz'ezd Inya
Large formats, Pervomayskiy rayon
Berdskoe sh., ost. "Pribrezhnyy pereulok"
Berdskoe sh., ost. "Talovaya"
Bolshevistskaya ul., Instrumentalnyy zavod
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.229 H Vybornaya ul., poz.1
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.229 H Vybornaya ul., poz.2
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.290
City light posters, Pervomayskiy rayon
Bolshevitskaya ul., d.285
Bolshevitskaya ul., d.285 (503559)
Digital formats, Pervomayskiy rayon
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.177/24
Bolshevistskaya ul., d.48
Bolshevitskaya ul., d.48
Indoor formats, Pervomayskiy rayon
Clinic "Gorodskaya poliklinika #7", Ulyanovskaya ul., d.1
Clinic "Poliklinika GKB #19", Geroev Revolyutsii ul., d.5
Mall "EvroBereg", Bolshevistskaya ul., d.132/1
Multifunctional Center "Pervomayskiy", Marata ul., d.2
Pickup point "SDEK", Tvardovskogo ul., d.22/2
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Bolshevistskaya ul., d.14/3
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Shukshina ul., d.19
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