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Major streets and highways of Moscow metropolitan area
Vtorostepennye regionalnye i mezhmunitsipalnye dorogi
Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111)
Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111): catalog of outdoor advertising structures
Indoor formats, Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111)
Bus Terminal "Avtostantsiya Solnechnogorsk", Krestyanskaya ul., d.2
Business center "Pyatnitskoe sh., d.15, korp.4", Pyatnitskoe sh., d.15, korp.4
Gas station "Lukoyl", 1-y Mitinskiy pr-zd., d.12
Gas station "Lukoyl", Andreevka pos., Pyatnitskoe sh., 20 000m
Gas station "Lukoyl", Trikotazhnyy pr-zd., d.5
Gas station "Neftmagistral", Pyatnitskoe sh., vl.28
Gas station "Rosneft", Marino d., Pyatnitskoe sh. H MBK
Gas station "Rosneft", Pyatnitskoe sh., vl.27
Gym "Fitness ON Solnechnogorsk", Krasnaya ul., d.120
Gym "We Gym Mitino", Mitinskaya ul., d.16
Subway station "Pyatnitskoe shosse"
Subway station "Volokolamskaya"
Supermarket "Azbuka Vkusa", Pyatnitskoe sh., 8 000m ot MKAD
Supermarket "Azbuka Vkusa", Pyatnitskoe sh., d.14
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Marino d., d.274
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Novotushinskiy pr-d. H Tekstilnaya ul., d.10, korp.2
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Novotushinskiy pr-zd., d.8, korp.1
Supermarket "Pyatyorochka", Solnechnogorsk pos., Krasnaya ul., d.120
Сommunication salon "Tele2", Pyatnitskoe ul., 7-y km ul., vl 2
Сommunication salon "Tele2", Pyatnitskoe ul., d.39
Supersites, Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111)
Krasnaya ul., d.106
Leningradskoe sh. H Naberezhnaya ul.
MKAD, 67 300m
MKAD, 68 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 350m posle peresecheniya s MKAD
Pyatnitskoe sh., 400m do H s MKAD
Pyatnitskoe sh., 43 460m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 51 096m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 400m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 580m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 710m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 6 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 6 800m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 7 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 7 000m (430106)
Billboards, Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111)
Mitino, Pyatnitskoe sh., d.39
Naberezhnaya ul. H 1ya Volodarskaya ul.
Naberezhnaya ul., d.50
Obuhovskaya ul., d.44a
Pyatnitskoe sh. 37km 850m pravo (iz Solnechnogorska v Moskvu) v Moskvu
Pyatnitskoe sh. H Klenovaya ul., d.5
Pyatnitskoe sh. H Lesnaya ul., d.16
Pyatnitskoe sh., 14 500m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 14 550m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 20 440m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 26 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 27 410m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 34 510m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 34 650m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 36 250m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 36 650m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 37 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 37 400m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 37 430m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 37 800m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 38 150m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 42 050m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 42 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 42 250m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 42 580m, sleva pri dvizhenii v Moskvu
Pyatnitskoe sh., 43 300m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 44 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 44 200m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 44 210m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 45 280m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 47 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 48 187m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 48 600 m.
Pyatnitskoe sh., 48 645m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 50 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 50 200m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 50 290m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 50 360m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 50 995 m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 51 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 51 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 51 800m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 51 900m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 52 250m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 52 350m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 52 350m (206997)
Pyatnitskoe sh., 52 450m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 52 500m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 52 950m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 010m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 300m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 410m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 600m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 700m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 970m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 53 990m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 500m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 550m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 780m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 800m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 829m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 870m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 950m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 54 980m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 200m, sleva
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 300m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 400m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 470m, sleva
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 680m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 850m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 55 957m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 000m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 050m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 150m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 200m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 300m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 400m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 460m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 56 460m (388649)
Pyatnitskoe sh., 6 100m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 6 390
Pyatnitskoe sh., 9 700m
Pyatnitskoe sh., 9 750m
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.17, korp.1 H 1-y Mitinskiy per.
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.18 H Putilkovskoe sh.
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.1B
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.24, str.24
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.25
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.26
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.41 H Mitinskaya ul.
Pyatnitskoe sh., levaya storona, 42 190m
Pyatnitskoe sh., vl. 26
Pyatnitskoe sh.,19 490m
Pyatnitskoe sh.,49 899 m.
Volokolamskoe sh., d.130 H MKAD
Zelenogradskiy ZHK, 200m ot Pyatnitskogo sh.
Digital formats, Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111)
Krasnaya ul., d.120
City light posters, Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111)
Gorkogo ul., v'ezd na parkovku magazina "Perekrestok"
Pyatnitskoe sh., 16 000m
Rabochaya ul., d.9
Bus stops, Pyatnitskoe shosse (R-111)
Dubravnaya ul. H Mitinskaya ul., ost. metro Mitino, poz.2
Mitinskaya ul., d.48
Mitinskaya ul., d.52, poz.1
Mitinskiy 1-y per., ost. "1-y Mitinskiy per., 12 - Obuhov Avtotsentr"
Novotushinskiy pr-zd., d.6, korp.1
Novotushinskiy pr-zd., ost. "Metro "Volokolamskaya"
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.11
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.12, korp.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.16, poz.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.16, poz.2
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.23, str.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.23, str.1 (464734)
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.45
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.6, korp.1
Pyatnitskoe sh., d.9
Trikotazhnyy pr-zd., ost. "Platforma Trikotazhnaya"
Volokolamskoe sh. H Starospasskaya ul., d.14, k.A
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