All Russian outdoor
media in one place

Condominium "Kronshtadtskiy 9", Kronshtadtskiy b-r., d.9, korp.3, Moscow

  • Category: Comfort


  • Location: Холл
  • Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 2
  • Size/format: 1920х1080

Side/variant 4 недели #1095461

  • Rent: 6 000rub
  • Placement: 2 экрана/ 4 недели
  • Lighting: Not available
  • Prismatron: No
  • Side type: Digital


  • Location: Холл
  • Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
  • Size/format: 21"

Side/variant 4 недели #1095462

  • Rent: 3 000rub
  • Placement: 1 экран / 4 недели
  • Lighting: Not available
  • Prismatron: No
  • Side type: Digital