Gym "X-Fit Fyuzhn", Usacheva ul., d.2, str.3, Moscow
- Category: ЛЮКС
- Building description: Бассейн, детская комната, площадь - 2500, посещаемость 319 в день
- Address comment: ЦАО, район Хамовники, метро Фрунзенская
- Location: Рецепция
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 32"
Side/variant #980075
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: проход к групп залам
- Size/format: 22"
Side/variant 2 #980076
- Rent: 12 400rub
- Placement: 10 сек./1 месяц/1 экран
- Lighting: Available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Рецепция
- Size/format: 42"
Side/variant 4 #980077
- Rent: 12 400rub
- Placement: 10 сек./1 месяц/1 экран
- Lighting: Available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Вход в зал
- Size/format: 42"
Side/variant 5 #980078
- Rent: 12 400rub
- Placement: 10 сек./1 месяц/1 экран
- Lighting: Available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Тренажерный зал
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1.
- Size/format: 32"
Side/variant #1336550
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Рецепция
- Location comment: правый монитор
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 65"
Side/variant #1336551
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Рецепция
- Location comment: левый монитор
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 65"
Side/variant #1336552
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Мужская раздевалка
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336553
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Мужская раздевалка
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336554
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Женская раздевалка
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336555
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Женская раздевалка
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336558
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Фитнес-бар
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336559
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: СПА
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336562
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Тренажерный зал, в центре
- Location comment: кардио зона
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336563
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital
- Location: Тренажерный зал, рецепция тренеров
- Location comment: кардио зона
- Description of advertising structure: Кол-во экранов: 1
- Size/format: 43"
Side/variant #1336564
- Rent: 802rub
- Placement: день
- Lighting: Not available
- Prismatron: No
- Side type: Digital